The Introduction

It is so crazy to think that every breath you’ve ever taken has led you to be exactly where you are right now. Every day you are presented with choices and the choices you make now ultimately determine what your life will become. every tear you’ve cried, every giggle you’ve laughed, every event you thought you would never get through….but you did, and you will. I could preach about how i have always made the best choices for myself and the ones that i value but that would be a lie. The fact of the matter is that we are all going to make mistakes and regret things we have done in the past. you are not your past or the things that have happened to you. you are how you choose to respond in moments of fear.

I have found so much peace in my plants and my home. it has taken a lot of trial, error, and practice to blend all of the important factors of my life together but i finally feel as if i have found a balance between motherhood and being a wife and my own passions and life.

I would love for my website and brand to become an assortment of tips, tools, and products that make a difference in my life, as well as to provide other small business owners and artists with opportunities to sell their own unique goods in my curated collections; and to create a safe place for me to share the highs and lows of my own day to day life through pictures and blogs.

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for some exciting news!


The art of gift giving