The Plant Person Principle


What is it about plant people that makes them the best people? The world of plant collectors is one that is full of enthusiasts who share a passion for all things green and growing. We come from all walks of life and all corners of the globe, united by our love of plants and the desire to connect with others who share this interest. You’ve seen the facebook groups, Hell, if you’re interested in my blog you’re likely IN some or most of them. There are hundreds of groups: Houseplant Hoarders, Smartass plant moms (my personal favorite), As well as local city based pages. These groups have hundreds of thousands of people in them and truly broadcast the beauty, and community that plant people have created through social media.

One of the most wonderful aspects of the plant collecting community is the incredible sense of support and camaraderie that exists along its members. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener, or a brand new enthusiast just starting out, you’ll find that there are people within the community who are eager to share their knowledge, offer tips and advice, and generally lend a helping hand.

This spirit of generosity and kindness is truly remarkable, and it’s what makes the plant collecting community such a special and welcoming place. Whether you’re looking to connect with other gardeners online, or to attend local events or gatherings, you’ll find that there are endless opportunities to get involved and learn more about the world of plants.

I personally, only know a few people in my real life who love plants in the same way I do. to be a member of these groups where I am welcomed with open arms into a community of knowledgeable, and seasoned gardeners has changed my life.

These groups are an outlet for discussions, support, information, and even buying and selling of plants worldwide. If you have not participated in a plant auction, I highly recommend joining some! Plant auctions are entertaining and often have unicorn collector plants for decent prices. There are many platforms and sellers who do auctions, so do your research as to whether you’re playing with a local seller or somebody who will be shipping your prizes to you. Most of the sellers who host auctions do games for free plants and cuttings as well. My husband And I both won a few free plants in the past week from auctions along with our plant mail.

I want to take a second to recommend my two favorite plant auctions that I participate in regularly. One of my favorite plant influencers / sellers is @jaxs_jungle. Jackie Pinkston is based in Florida and hosts live auctions on Thursday and Friday nights with her husband Brandon. My husband and I are so inspired by them! We recently received a variegated Monstera Lechleriana we won at auction in amazing condition. I can’t wait to buy more plants from them!

Another super fun auction is held by Luffy Hunter on PLANT PURGE USA facebook group. Plant purge USA is booming with multiple sellers hosting auctions and games. Luffy also has a private group on facebook: Rare Leaf US PURGE group. Along with his rare collection of plants, luffy does free giveaways during his auctions too. If you’re interested in participating in his auctions be sure to stretch your fingers and be prepared to move as fast as you can, as his plants normally get claimed within 0.000001 seconds of him posting them. I have not received a plant from luffy yet, but once it delivers I will have to post an update. His personal group has over 1.5k members after being created recently, and I have heard hundreds of satisfied buyers thanking him for his consistently beautiful plants and secure packaging.

Along with facebook groups there are hundreds of well-known influencers who share their love of plants with the world via social media. People like @sydneyplantguy, @Iwetmyyplants, @jaxs_jungle, and @houseplusplant. These are just a few of the plant influencers who exposed me to the raw beauty that is collecting houseplants. It is these creators who work so hard to share helpful information, and honest content about the ups and downs of plant collecting who I have to thank for helping me build the best life imaginable doing something I love with my husband and son. Not only do they post informative and REAL content, but they are all so friendly and welcoming.

Gardening is a passion that I share with my family. My husband and I spend many hours together with our hands in our plants, jamming to reggae music on our lanai with our son, Beckham, our cat, little bug , and our golden retriever puppy, captain. My husband is my best friend and without his gentle touch and knowledge in gardening, I could have never gotten this far in my plant collecting journey.

I started collecting plants as a hobby in 2020 like a lot of other people during the midst of the pandemic. My husband has been working in outdoor design for years by then and had always brought home plants from his jobs but I never really took interest in them until I did, and once I started - I never looked back. I feel like after the first plant came through the door, my house didn’t stand a chance. I had a vision to create a jungle in my living room and that I did.

@sydneyplantguy’s content influenced me to put my own vining/climbing plants on moss poles. Ah, my first pole. I remember it like it was yesterday. Holding fistfuls of sphagnum moss around a wood stake and quickly wrapping it in jute in an attempt to hold it in place. It took me probably an hour and a whole roll of jute to make one POORLY constructed moss pole. I went on making poles like this for the next few months. Eventually I learned how to properly construct a STURDY, and buildable moss pole and my plants surely did thank me for the support.

Shop my handmade sphagnum moss poles now!

In no time my small collection of plants had grown into an all out jungle. It was at that point that I realized that plant collecting is more than just a hobby, it is a lifestyle.

The beauty of collecting plants truly is within each and every member of our community. It is not only houseplant collectors or influencers that make up our community either. There are so many different ways to grow plants: indoors, outdoors, greenhouses, grow rooms, hydroponic set ups. Different substrates to use, fertilizing methods, etc. Every single ‘plant person’ has their own unique, individualized way of nurturing their babies and it is truly inspiring to see the different ways plants can grow all around the world.

Plant people are some of the most generous, and selfless people I have ever met. It is not often that you are so graciously uplifted and encouraged to find success in something you are passionate about. Whether its sharing knowledge, tips and tricks, or actual plants and plant cuttings, plant people truly give so much to one another.

In my years of collecting plants, I have been given so many free plants and cuttings from local gardeners in my area. Along with these healthy babies I have also received plenty of rehab plants from collectors as well. Recently, I was gifted multiple plants from my wishlist (I’ll be sharing that very soon!)

It is not uncommon for plant people to share the love by sharing cuttings, advice, and support with one another. I don’t think I have ever been involved in such a positive community. I am inspired and grateful to have the opportunities to meet more amazing and helpful plant people wherever I go in my life.

The plant collecting community is a wonderful group of individuals who are passionate about cultivating and caring for all types of plants. They are kind, welcoming, and always willing to share their knowledge and expertise with others. If you’re interested in learning more about gardening and plants I highly recommend joining facebook groups and involving yourself in other social media outlets to join the community.

If you have any plant related questions or general comments, please let me know below!


Rule of ‘green’ thumb