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The truth about houseplants


By now you’ve probably seen this phrase plastered over social media about a variety of different subjects, but when it comes to houseplants, if you know… YOU KNOW. Plant collecting and indoor houseplants have taken off over the years. Like many others, I started really getting into plants around 2020 because of the pandemic. During the start of the lockdown we all adapted different coping mechanisms and hobbies to help alleviate the monotony. before 2020 I don’t think I ever had any interest in plants or any knowledge of the fulfilment and satisfaction they can bring to your life. My collection has grown and matured over the years and i can finally say i have found my niche. One thing I will never do is preach perfection or try to make everything look glamorous because this is the real world. I’ve waterboarded a few succulents and thrown a pot of sticks that was once a Fiddle Leaf Fig on the porch to decompose. I can not say this enough - EVERY SUCCESFUL PLANT PARENT HAS AND WILL KILL PLANTS. it is inevitable. When i first started collecting plants i had no idea what i was doing. i began buying as many succulents and air plants as i could because i thought they were going to be easy low maintenance plants. Boy, was i wrong.

Most of my collection I have had for two to three years and they have lived through multiple freezes and dormancies. I have killed many plants and still struggle with them from time to time. Do not let this deter you! Remember that plants are living things and you can not control them, you can only nurture them and support them as they grow!

I would like to provide you with tips, tricks, and tools that I have found beneficial to keeping my plant collection in good shape over the years and through the freezes.

Here is my truth when it comes to houseplants (and honestly this applies to so many things in my day to day life as well: like motherhood, cleaning etc.) I found that when i first started growing my assortment of plants it took a lot of maintenance and frequent care. Over the years as my collection has matured, they have become more and more self sufficient and less reliant on me to ‘keep them alive'. I say that this applies to many other things as well because we are hardwired to want instant gratification and often times it can be hard to get in the groove of things (or go with the flow..) As time goes on you will naturally adapt to systems that are in place and it will just come to you. This applies perfectly to motherhood as well. Looking back on my first months post partum everything felt so difficult and even the smallest tasks felt like humongous chores. Over the past 9 months i have adapted to the schedule and system in place and it gets easier with every passing day.

there are many reasons why i have such a deep love for houseplants. To start, plants are living decor that are unique and fulfilling. no single leaf is identical to another, not even when they are in the same family plant or even off of the same vine. The plant that YOU have is yours, and yours alone. they are personable and one-of-a-kind. When I look at my plants i feel A maternal connection with them. In the same way that I love my pets, i love my plants. I have seen some of them grow from tiny sprouts into prominent giants. I have saved a few from death to witness them come back double the size. Even now writing this blog I have an overwhelming sense of pride to have influenced these beautiful organisms as they age over the years. it is exciting to know that the plants i have now, i can eventually pass along to my children and share this experience with my friends and family.

Another reason why I have such a passion for plants is because of the health and wellness benefits they provide to me and my household. It is scientifically proven that being in the vicinity of live plants can: improve your attention and increase feelings of well-being in individuals who struggle with symptoms of mental illness, According to “A 2002 review of the research revealed that people recuperating from several kinds of surgery needed less pain medication and had shorter hospital stays than people who weren’t looking at greenery during their recovery periods.” Other benefits of keeping plants indoors are improving focus, air quality, and job satisfaction. The science backed benefits speak for themselves.

When you invest time in nurturing other living things it promotes positive behaviors and also helps you take care of yourself along the way. If you want to start collecting plants let this be your sign to jump right in and begin your journey into plant parenthood.

be on the lookout for my next post that will be discussing what plants are best for beginning gardeners and the tools and steps you need to begin growing your collection.

check out my shop where i will be selling handmade moss poles for vining and aroid plants - handmade pottery, candles, and other curated items

check out my portfolio to see my collection of plants over the years as well as photography and home decor inspo.